Thursday, 27 June 2013

Theory X and Theory Y....

Douglas McGregor, an American social psychologist, proposed his famous X-Y theory in his 1960's. This theory remains central to organization development and for improving organization culture.

What i understood.

   One of the defining features about this theory is its perspective. It is completely seen from the perspective of the manager. Managers are divided into two categories based on how they perceive their employees:
 1)  Theory X Manager- manager who think workers are LAZY (in reality they may be or may not be)

2)  Theory Y manager- managers who think workers are MOTIVATED (in reality they may be or may not be)

  •  It perhaps shows the inability of many managers to truly understand what kind of employees they have. In this case it is better to treat all employees as same(motivated) rather than make wrong assumptions(lazy). Managers have a lot of responsibility in the success of a project. Those managers who try to escape the responsibility by blaming it on employees belong the Theory X and is not good for the organization. 

 Defines a manager:

 The theory also throws light at some of the qualities which a good manager needs to have. Positive attitude, inspiring, motivating, trusting employees etc. All these qualities reflect Theory Y manager and real managers should probably try to emulate these qualities

By this principle we can divide employee-manager group into 4 parts-

In my views result-driven organizations can be formed category 4. Even a motivated team requires an efficient manager to keep that level of consistency.

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