Saturday, 22 June 2013

A week at NITIE

17th june 2013, 

 small intro-

It is as new as the new phase of my MBA life. One day or another, one thing needs a beginning, so here i'm trying to opt for blog writing habbit. I'm not a good writer, so bear it.

lecture 1-

Being a fresher, i was excited as well as little nervous on first day at NITIE. After attending exhilarating class of prof. T.Prasad a.k.a Dr. Mandi i felt good.  1st lecture at NITIE became unforgettable lecture for me.
Sharing the things that i learned in class...

    "aaj ki roti aaj hi kamaana"
If you are not earning for your own expenses than you are nothing but a beggar.

    " socho-becho! becho-seekho! seekho-becho!
This is a concept of mandi (market). Mandi is an annual full day event in NITIE, where students sell products made by an NGO. Using the concept of thinking, selling and learning. 

  "Another brick in the wall" song by Pink Floyd.  

Practical knowledge is more important than theoretical one. 

Various learning activities defines uniqueness of his lecture.


Activity- Tower building- understanding of an organisation.

We had to make tower of cubes and if it fall, game is over.
Every cube in a tower was important, which act as linking between two cubes. single cube can break the tower.

Similarly, in an organisation every element is important.
For making an organisation, there are 3 key elements
     O- Objective
     P- Performance
     R- Responsibility

Contribution (responsibility) of worker should be decided and divided properly making it more efficient and easy in execution (performance) for achieving the defined target (objective).

 I keep learning more and keep posting.

1 comment:

  1. u need to write what and how learned what you learned..? you cannot report your learnigs.. that does not suffice.. dr mandi
