Saturday, 17 August 2013

Simple TOYS teaching COMPLEX concepts..


Navrang cube, as the name suggests, it has total 27 small cubes coloured with 9 different colours. There are total 9 sets of each colour. Each set contain 3 small cubes as shown in the figure. Unlike the conventional cubes, this cube can be dis-assembled completely and can be assembled again as per objective. Dr. Mandi asked us to assemble Navrang cube in such a way that each face will contain all the 9 colours. As the cube could be manually disassembled, initially we thought of it as a very simple task. But, to our surprise it turned out to be a very difficult task. Then, Dr. Mandi showed us a structured way to solve the cube.  


There are key management concepts which can be learnt from this Navarang puzzle exercise.
1.       Organisation Structure : 
As the Navrang puzzle has all the different 9 colours on each side ,similarly in an organisation people with different skill sets or different qualities should be present in each division. People with same skill sets and qualities may  lead to disharmony or jealousy among them. People with different skills can come up with wonderful ideas. Hence in any organisation division, people will diverse skill sets should be clubbed together to achieve a balance in an organisation.
2.       Unity in Objective :
There should be a common objective towards which everyone should continuously strive. Without common objective, individual potential will be wasted and this will lead to organisation failure. With a common goal only individual potential can be leveraged to serve a greater purpose.

“In a balanced organization, working towards a common objective, there is success”                       -          Arthur Helps


Dr Prasad came to class and distributed some magnets to us. We as usual started playing with its magnetic strength.  But after a while he asked us , 'why does a magnet attract metal ? Of course he wanted a Management level answer but we engineers always thought it the technical way . At last someone said  ALIGNMENT . Yes in terms of management , a magnet teaches us how to align manpower in proper direction to create the force.
Basically what a magnet does is to align all the magnetic poles in one direction... i.e north poles in one and south poles on other.
Same way as the magnet does alignment , a MANAGER does the same in a organisation i.e perceives the best person at the best place so as to carry on the business smoothly . They align people and power along with their task and objectives .

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